Thursday 23 March: Weather 12°C to 20°C
Heathy Hut to Kohaihai Shelter: 16.9k walk
Accommodation: Karamea Baches
Highlight was getting to the end of the Heaphy track at the Kohaihai Shelter.
We’re awake at 7am. Breakfast of Muesli and tea and after sweeping the hut, we’re all out the door by 8.20am. Everyone has a bus/taxi/car/plane to catch about 12.30 midday. It’s misty rain and we can’t see the coastline, but it’s not cold. We’ve put on wet weather gear again. It’s all downhill and after two hours of tramping through rain forest, we arrive at the Katipo Creek Shelter.
This is really bad sandfly country and after checking out the beach which has even more sand flies, we return to the shelter for the fastest coffee ever on the hop - can’t stand still for long. Just a two minute stop then off along the undulating track beside the pounding surf on the rocks below - treacherous. There’s the shiff of a dead whale below - apparently many whales get washed ashore on these west coast beaches.
By 12.15 we're at the Kohaihai Shelter where there’s a gathering of trampers waiting for transport. Some go in the Heaphy bus to Nelson, 6 others to the airport and we go with Ian and Hilary in the small van to Karma where Brian, our driver, also works with a family member - we think his mum. It’s only a 15 minute drive and we’re soon in our 2 bedroom shack at the multi coloured Karamea Baches. A nice hot shower, loads of washing, and a walk 1.5k up the road to the 4 Square store.
Then back to the famous Karamea pub for fish and chips washed down with a few beers and a bottle of NZ sav blanc. We notice all the locals order their beer by the jug - not to share around but for themselves to have a continuous top up - a local habit we’re told because beer is much cheaper by the jug. Home to bed 8.30pm