Getting there


Sunday 17th August:  Brisbane to Geneva

We departed Brisbane at 12.45pm on Sunday with Etihad to Singapore, then changed to Air France to Paris before connecting to our Geneva flight.  We like Air France is because their times suit perfectly with minimum disruption, arriving in Paris at 8am ready to start the day.  Their business class seats lay down to an angled flat bed - great for putting your feet up but not so good when you continually slide down feet first. We're delayed in Paris an hour - someone was a "no show" and the crew needed to find and remove their baggage for security reasons. Geneva is a warm 20deg C when we arrive, initially stressing  when our blue and white stripey bags containing our back packs fail to turn up.  We don't have a Plan B, so we're relieved when they're the last to finally roll off the conveyor belt half and hour later.

Created by Jan and Ian Somers in Sandvox