Paris: 31/5 The French Open

Thursday May 31st - coldish 12°C to 21°C

Walk: 10kwalk along St Martins Canal before the French Open. Overcast, 

St Martins canal and Jan

Looking up St Martins Canal

We are both awake at 5.30am - not too bad considering jet lag.  It looks like being a fine day - but cool in the shade. Quick cup of tea, a session on the diary then up the road to join St Martins Canal. Construction of the canal was ordered by Napoleon I in 1802, in order to create an artificial waterway for supplying Paris with fresh water to support a growing population and to help avoid diseases such as dysentery and cholera. The canal was dug from 1802 to 1825, funded by a new tax on wine.  It was also used to supply Paris with food (grain), building materials etc, carried by canal boats. Construction of the canal was ordered by Napoleon in 1802, to create an artificial waterway for supplying Paris with fresh water to support a growing population and to help avoid diseases such as dysentery and cholera.  It stretches 100k between the River Seine and River Ourcq but in the 1960's some of it was covered over by road and parkland with the canal tunnel underneath. 

St Martin's Canal covered in

Jan standing on top of St Martins Canal covered in

We return to our little apartment to have breakfast of Australian muesli and yoghurt with a good dose of vitamins.  Then time to catch the Metro from Brequet Sabine to Gare Austerlitz and change for the Port d'autueiul line to Roland Garros with a short walk to Rolland Garros.  We arrive about 11.30am and enter through Porte S - We have Bourgeoisie  tickets - tennis with wine and horses doovers.  

Our seats are less than 10 metres from the players faces - and the first match is Andy Murray and Jocum Nieminum which Murray won in 4 sets 3-6, 6-3, 6-4, 6-3.  Next was Carolyn Wozniacki and the Australian Jamilla Gadsovova a frustrating match with so many unforced errors by Jamilla.  

Andy Murray

And Murray Serving

By 3pm we are starving and head off to the wine bar - typical French Fare with cheeses and petit pastries with champagne, beers and wines - as much as you can eat and drink.  We were famished having eaten breakfast.  Back to the tennis to the John Isner versus Paul Heny Matthieu match. It looks like it will be over soon with Isner belting down 220kph serves.  But 5hrs 41 minutes later, Matthieu wins one of the longest matches in Roland Garros history (2nd longest in fact) with a win in the last 18-16.  The crowd chant "Allez Pulo" - Go Paul.  

Matthieu wins 6-7, 6-4, 6-4, 3-6, 18-16. The stadium erupts - the spectators are mostly French - never heard one American the whole day.

Jan at Hors d'houvres smiling

Jan at the Horses Doovers table Rolland Garros

We leave the stadium at 9.30 after 10hrs at the tennis, and arrive back at out little appartment to have a petit dinner - wine and cheese at 10.30pm - we are still stuffed from lunch.  Ii's still light outside even at 11pm.

Isner serving French Open

Isner serving

Created by Jan and Ian Somers in Sandvox